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Medicaid Waivers for Kids With Special Needs - Angels of VA

Special Needs children can provide a whole host of difficulties completely aside from their actual actual or mental impairments. They may present a physical risk to themselves that needs constant guidance or they may need living support to help them with daily routines such as eating. Often these children have important difficulties interacting and moving about their atmosphere which then results in important anxiety disorders. Physical and mental delays can be further increased by the sensory problems that often accompany the unique disorder. The charges for this type of care and housing can be excessive if not too high. This is where the Medicaid waivers come into play. While the usual category of Medicaid to be qualified for children is a parent who is below a particular national threshold of hardship, special needs children are assessed on require alone if they personally have no income or assets/resources. The family economical status is not a factor. There are 3 main waiv...

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